Tips to Keep Your Lungs Healthy This Winter

Winter is hard on our lungs. To keep our lungs moist, we should use a humidifier. Air pollution is a major contributor to respiratory problems. Whenever possible, stay away from areas with industrial emissions or heavy traffic. If you are already affected by respiratory issues, you can seek support from family and friends. Avoid smoking and avoid pollution in the air. Lastly, deep breathing exercises help increase lung capacity.

Exercise improves lung function

Several studies have demonstrated that a regular workout can increase the amount of air you breathe in and out by as much as 5 to 15 percent. An exercise program combining aerobic and strength training may help you achieve your goals of improved lung capacity. Aerobic exercise can be anything from running, swimming, biking, or attending your favorite aerobics class at the gym. Regardless of the type of exercise you choose, it is essential to aim for at least five days per week of moderate activity. Breathing exercises should also be done to maintain air levels and clear carbon dioxide buildup.

Avoiding smoking prevents lung disease

It has long been known that smoking is one of the leading causes of lung disease, but there are many other factors that contribute to poor lung health. By following some simple tips, you can reduce your risk of developing lung cancer. The American Cancer Society estimates that lung cancer will cause 132,000 deaths in the U.S. by 2021, with an estimated 235,000 new cases diagnosed by then. You can also protect your lungs by quitting smoking altogether, click link.

Deep breathing exercises increase lung capacity

A deep breathing exercise is an excellent way to increase lung capacity and increase the overall size of your lungs. Deep breathing exercises use the diaphragm, which strengthens and relaxes the nervous system. You can perform these exercises anywhere, even while you are doing other activities. During the first few days, start with just one count and build on that. As long as you do not feel out of breath, you’re doing the right thing.

Avoiding exposure to pollutants in the air

Exposure to air pollution can lead to lung damage. Some types of air pollution include secondhand smoke, smog, airborne chemicals, and friable asbestos. You can help protect your lungs by using an air purifier and investing in an air conditioning system. If you work outdoors, limit your time in the sun and air pollution. And make sure to wear a face mask and other protective gear when in areas with airborne irritants.

Eating a nutrient-rich diet

As an overall diet, plant-based food is an essential part of keeping your lungs healthy and strong. Eating plenty of vegetables and fruits is a good start, and reducing the amount of red meat and processed foods will also help. A well-balanced diet should also include adequate sleep and a healthy amount of stress. While a well-balanced diet will not cure any lung condition, it can certainly help.

Avoiding smoking

While not a cure-all, avoiding smoking can help keep your lungs in top condition. Regular exercise, particularly aerobics, gets your heart pumping faster and increases your lung capacity. Aerobic exercise increases your breathing rate from 15 to forty to sixty times per minute. Your lungs will benefit from this because your lungs will be able to work efficiently and resist disease and aging. Not only that, but regular exercise also keeps you physically active and helps you stay young.


One of the most important parts of keeping your lungs healthy is practicing deep breathing exercises. There are many breathing techniques available, but the ones endorsed by the American Lung Association (AIS) are the most effective. You can perform the Quieting Response, which uses a combination of deep breathing and visualization. Start by smiling inward and relaxing your shoulders and feet. Then, breathe in through your mouth, picturing hot air flowing through your abdominal and lower rib cage. Repeat this exercise four times.