Natural Methods to Remove Skin Tags

Natural Methods to Remove Skin Tags

Skin tags are benign moles that protrude from the skin. They can be unsightly and can be brought on by diabetes, obesity, pregnancy or atherosclerosis. Some people suffer from multiple skin tags and the cost of having these skin tags removed can be quite expensive. However, there are several home remedies that might be helpful in treating this skin condition safely at home. However, discussing these methods with your physician to be sure you are doing this safely is necessary.


Binding skin tags

Binding skin tags is often done to cut off the blood supply. To try this remedy, tie a piece of thread, string or even dental floss around the skin tag (you may want some help from another person if the skin tag is in a hard to get to location). In a few days the skin tag will begin to die because of the lack of blood and will simply fall off. This method can be slightly uncomfortable and clothes may rub the skin tag which can cause additional information. Therefore, it may be necessary to cover the site with a band aid to protect it.

Apple Cider Vinegar

The acidity of apple cider vinegar may help you to get rid of unwanted skin tags. This remedy can be done by taking a cotton ball that is dipped into apple cider vinegar and rubbing it on the skin tag. If you have a larger, more stubborn skin tag that you are having difficulty removing you may want to take a bandage dipped in apple cider vinegar and put on the skin tag for a couple of hours. This should be done on a daily basis until the skin tag dries up and falls off. However, apple cider should never be used around the eyes because this can be dangerous.

Nail Polish

Nail Polish

Nail Polish is another way to help remove a skin tag. The chemicals in the nail polish have a drying effect and can help to dry the skin tag up and it will eventually fall off. However, you need to apply the nail polish on a daily basis and this may take several weeks before you see results. In addition, using clear nail polish is better since it is less noticeable that tinted nail polish. Nail polish can have a slight stinging effect when first applied to some skin tags and this is something that you should be aware of before using this home remedy.