To measure the value of leadership development, you must calculate its return on investment (ROI). ROI measures the net benefits of an initiative minus the costs. While there are intangibles that cannot be quantified in money, they can still be included in the calculation. While they are often more expensive, they can be directly linked to leadership development. Here are some examples of ROI calculations for leadership development. Read on to learn more.
Measuring the Success of Leadership development

Measuring the effectiveness of leadership development programs is critical for evaluating their results. Research on leadership development shows that the majority of participants gain new skills and knowledge related to their job. Moreover, 94% of participants improved their seven core leadership behaviors, as determined by their direct reports and managers. But how can we measure the success of leadership development programs? Here are three steps. Read on to learn how to evaluate leadership development programs.
Identify and measure the impact of leadership development programs. Leadership development programs are usually measured by identifying the key components and examining causal pathways. To measure the impact of leadership development programs, funding should be allocated to support evaluation activities after the training program is complete. This will enable donors to recognize which programs have the longest-term impact. To measure the effectiveness of leadership development programs, donors need to understand the underlying causes and how to improve them.
Measurement is an important part of any leadership development program. In addition to the importance of identifying the specific outcomes, the program must also be relevant to the organization’s business goals. The effectiveness of a leadership development program should be measured based on the intended business outcomes. To measure the effectiveness of a training program, the training should measure quantitative and qualitative metrics that directly relate to the objectives of the business. In addition, it should also be linked to the desired change in the organization’s culture.
Measuring the success of leadership development beyond the individual level
Measuring the success of leadership development programs should focus on the host organization’s performance, rather than individual outcomes. This is because leadership development investments have a multiplier effect because they may trigger feedback loops and network interactions. In addition, multimethod evaluations should emphasize whether the program makes a credible contribution to organizational outcomes. The results of such evaluations will aid in determining the impact of leadership development programs.
When evaluating the impact of leadership development programs, it is essential to measure the long-term impacts of the initiatives. Most programs only measure immediate impacts and do not measure the long-term impact of the programs. To accurately measure the impact of leadership development programs, a company should conduct a survey to collect data on employee responses and outcomes. This way, the organization can see if the training has had a positive impact on the performance of its leaders.
The McKinsey study’s approach to leadership development is exemplified by the experiences of an Asian infrastructure conglomerate. At the end of the decade, the company had achieved tremendous growth, doubling its size every four or five years. In eight years, the company had ambitious growth plans, but the nature of work had changed and the company had an urgent need to expand its global presence.