Creative New Ways to Use Old Socks
We all have old socks that we no longer wear because the elastic has given out. But what do you do with all of them? It seems a shame to throw them out, so why not recycle them. There are so many different ways you can recycle old socks, but before you choose any of the following ways, please be sure to wash your old socks thoroughly using bleach.
Ways to Recycle Old Socks #1: Dog Pull Toy
Before you recycle your old socks in this way, be sure you have got all the bleach and soap rinsed from the material. Smell the material before playing with your dog to make sure it not longer smells like bleach. Your dog will love this toy because you are playing with them, rather than them playing with a toy by themselves. It’s so much fun to recycle your old socks in this way. If you have a large dog, this is also a great workout. One other important thing to remember is to not let your dog eat any of the material. When the material begins to rip, throw it away.
Ways to Recycle Old Socks #2: CD Mailer
If you make a CD or DVD for a friend and then need to mail it, you may be worried that the CD will get scratched. An old sock makes a wonderful CD mailer. You will need a crew or tube sock for this though. Simply stretch the opening around the CD and put it into a box to be shipped. The soft material will keep the CD from getting scratched and it will also help to protect the CD from getting broken.
Ways to Recycle Old Socks #3: Dish Washing Glove
This is one of the reasons why you want to make sure that your old socks are clean. This makes such a great way to recycle old socks. This is also another time that you will need tube socks. Pull the sock onto your arm and add dish washing soap to your hand. This allows you to actually feel the dishes you are washing and make sure you get them clean, because you can’t always see through all those soap suds.
Ways to Recycle Old Socks #4: Car Washing Glove
Just like washing your dishes, this is a great way to recycle your old socks. Simply pull an old tube sock onto your arm and add soap to your hand. This allows you to get into all the cracks and crevices of your vehicle. Your car will look great and you won’t feel so bad about throwing away that old sock anymore.
Ways to Recycle Old Socks #5: Car Wax Buffer
After washing your car, get another old sock and apply some wax. This is a wonderful way to buff the wax on and off of your car. Just make sure to use a very soft material. You may visit this website when you are more interested in socks.
Ways to Recycle Old Socks #6: Dusting Glove
Why pay a lot of money for dusting gloves at the store? Instead, recycle an old sock and dust away. This is a great way to dust your home because you can get into small places and dust delicate objects without breaking them.