Since I was little, my mouth would break out in horrible ulcers. They consumed my life. I couldn’t eat and I could barley talk because they would hurt so bad. I constantly would ask the dentist and doctor what was going on and how can I stop this from happening? They told me that basically there was nothing they could really do, that it would just have to run it’s course. They prescribed an antiseptic mouthwash to help ease the pain and that was all. I tried everyone that they could prescribe and nothing helped take the pain away for more than five minutes. Finally, with my most recent one, I broke down and told my mom that I needed something bad because my whole mouth hurt from this one ulcer I had. I could have sworn that the ulcer was as big as a dime and I had to take pain killers to help relieve some of the pain that it had caused. This was the last straw. After searching all over the web, I came across something that might actually do the trick.
On , I had found out a potential cause of these mouth ulcers, or canker sores that I had never heard of before. An ingredient that is common in most toothpastes is called sodium lauryl sulfate(SLS) and has been known to cause the sores. I had tried everything before, so I figured why not see if this could possibly be true. After looking through several different toothpastes, the one that did not contain this ingredient was Sensodyne. I immediately got it and have used it for the past two weeks. I can tell you that it works wonders.
I did get one ulcer, but it did not get as big as it would normally have and it definitely was not as painful as they usually are. After that one formed, a few days later I could feel a small one starting to form. I got so mad because I thought that maybe it wasn’t working. I turned out to be very wrong. The ulcer never formed any larger than when I first noticed it and went away two days later. I thought it was a miracle. It went away without it even forming into anything painful and large. I was so happy.
I do not just use the toothpaste. It is also really important to floss and use mouthwash. I use Listerine to help kill any bacteria that might be left. With all of these combinations, with any that have formed, they have not been as painful. I would recommend to anyone that get ulcers or canker sores to find a product that does not contain this ingredient. It was done wonders for me when I thought there was no hope left. I don’t think I will ever go back to regular toothpaste. Good Luck!!