Mosquito Prevention

Mosquito Prevention

Mosquitoes (also known as mosquitos) are six-legged, well-known pests that occur all around the world. They feed on warm blooded hosts and leave behind small, itchy red bumps and in some cases — they can also leave behind various diseases or illnesses. Mosquito control is necessary during the warmer seasons of the year in order for optimal enjoyment of the outdoors.

About Mosquitoes

About Mosquitoes

Over the past several million years, over three thousand different mosquito species have evolved and they are in no danger of being wiped out.

Certain breeds of mosquitoes are known to carry diseases, so it’s important to keep up with local news for potential mosquito-borne illnesses or diseases. Mosquitoes are also common culprits for spreading heart-worm among family pets. It’s equally important that any household pets (such as cats or dogs,) are up to date with their heart-worm preventative.

How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes thrive in water-friendly habitats. In order to reduce a mosquito population, the available habitats must be removed. The best way to do this is to go through the area and remove any standing water, as well as any places that have the potential to hold stagnant water. For example, standing water can be found in a variety of places such as:

  • Bird baths
  • Wading pools
  • Potted plant trays
  • Old tires
  • Buckets
  • Children’s toys

Certain items that an owner may not want to empty (such as actively-used bird baths,) can be emptied and refilled with fresh water once a day to help the overall mosquito population, visit site.

The best mosquito control is to make sure that any necessary water is always circulating, rather than stagnant. This is because most mosquito populations breed in shallow and still water puddles, pools and so forth. Therefore, by reducing available stagnant water on the property, the overall mosquito population is reduced. This may be one of the best forms of mosquito protection available.

How to Protect Against Mosquito Bites

How to Protect Against Mosquito Bites

Aside from reducing the number of potential habitats for the mosquitoes, there are also a wide variety of mosquito repellents available on the market today. These repellents can come in the form of mosquito sprays, mosquito repelling candles and even various plug-in appliances such as a mosquito zapper.

In addition to these, another great way to protect against mosquito bites is to wear long sleeved shirts, paired with long pants, socks and so forth. Overall, home mosquito control is possible. Through the use of various mosquito control products, proper maintenance of the property and so forth, anyone can reduce their local mosquito population.